For Individuals.



✓ Increased Mental Health

Creating heightened emotional intelligence (increased self-awareness and ability to be kind to oneself); becoming better at self-care and managing energy, and appreciating the complexity of humankind and being less judgmental.

✓ Self Awareness

One of the most significant areas of development for coaching clients is introspection. This is a foundational skill for both personal and professional development.

✓ Self Efficacy

With space to be yourself, unapologetically and without judgement, you being to recognise and understand your strengths, needs and potential.

✓ Resilience

By focusing on areas like clarity, confidence, intuition and courage you can start to live fully, without fear of failure, with less anxiety and more joy.

✓ Communication

Effective communication skills can help individuals in all aspects of their lives. This has its own positive impact on stress — which is exacerbated by poor communication.



These are run regularly as open-access online sessions via Zoom, but can also be delivered as bespoke sessions to private groups either virtually or in person

✓ Bigger! Bolder! Better!

An International Womens Day initiative exploring expectations, authenticity and acceptance. An empowering interactive session in which women discover the beauty and power of connection.

✓ Every Day Earth Day

Uplifting goal-oriented sessions harnessing the power of community and collective small actions. Connecting with the natural world for meaning, for wellbeing and for a positive environmental impact.

✓ More Than Mum x

A 6-week practical course to support you in finding identity, purpose and connection beyond kids.

✓ All Change

Nothing changes if nothing changes. This session helps you understand and navigate change, using your personal strengths, knowledge and experiences to help you move forward with confidence.