Creating Human


for Positive      


Whether it’s intentional or unexpected, change is often accompanied by concerns, fears and unforeseen challenges.

Take control by talking about them, understanding where they come from, and anticipating the things that might trip you up. In a safe, confidential, judgement-free space, create the future you want.

for Inspiration


& Performance

You don’t have to do it alone. Whether you’re seeking something new, looking for a change of pace or aiming for the top spot, engaging with a specialist coach or consultant can get you off the starting block and help you succeed.

for Confidence


& Growth

Imagine approaching every day with the wonder, energy and enthusiasm of a child.

In the fast moving real world of roles, responsibilities and setbacks, if you are questioning the path you’re on, doubting your abilities, or struggling to work out your next step, we offer you the tools, techniques and time to reflect, reconnect with yourself and plan your next move.

for Leadership


& Culture

Vision, effort, and investment are the start.

Where you go from there is all about the team.

Let our team help your team.

How It Works

A Uniquely Positive Experience

White & Yellow is born from our founder’s recognition of the power of positive psychology & coaching, and her commitment to share it as widely as possible. She saw the wide variety of specialisms practiced by members of her professional network and wanted to help people find the right support for them.

Our founder and her extensive network of coaching practitioners, psychologists, wellbeing specialists and consultants are here for you.

Support Your Team

Focus on Yourself

Book A Chat.

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Have a question about something specific?

Email and let’s start a conversation